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This Academic Policy would not have been possible without the invaluable contributions of the
The polytechnic’s Governing Council, under the leadership of Professor E. G. Wagaiyu, and the
NyNP Management Board, led by the Chief Principal, Mr. Felix Mung’atu.
The Academic Policy Committee members: Mr. Jacob Mwangi – Deputy Principal of Academic and
Student Affairs (Chairman), Mr James Wanjohi – Registrar, Mr Joe Mugendi – Deputy Registrar, Mr
George Macharia – Quality Assurance Officer, Mr Peter Mwangi – Head of Business Department,
Mrs Mary Ng’ang’a – Career Services Officer, Mr Daniel Kihara – Examinations Officer and Miss
Faith Kurui – Deputy Examinations Officer. Without the immense contribution of these members
this document would not have been a success.
Finally, great appreciation to the entire NyNP staff is hereby registered for doing everything possible
to make the Academic Policy formulation and writing a great success.
Jacob N. Mwangi
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Abbreviations and Acronyms
ATD Accounting Technician Diploma
CAMS Certificate in accounting and management skills
CATs Continuous Assessment Tests
CBET Competence Based Education and Training
CDACC Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council
CPA Certified Public Accountant
CRNM Course Requirements Not Met
CSO Career Services Officer
EO Examinations/Assessments Officer
ERTC Education, Research and Training Committee
G & C Guidance and Counseling
GC Governing Council
HOD Head of Department
HR& D Head of Research and Development
ILO Industrial Liaison Officer
MIS Management Information System
KASNEB Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examination Board
KCPE Kenya Certificate of Primary Education
KCSE Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
KNEC Kenya National Examinations Council
KNQA Kenya National Qualifications Authority
KUCCPS Kenya University and Colleges Central Placement Service
MOE Ministry of Education
NITA National Industrial Training Authority
NyNP Nyandarua National Polytechnic
TEP Technical Education Programme
TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training
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Definition of terms;
Academic board Body mandated by NyNP to ensure compliance with the provisions of this
Academic HODs Heads of Teaching departments, ILO, HR& D and CSO.
Policy Refers to continuing guidelines that define the values and principles that
govern the administration of academic activities in NyNP.
Programme A prescribed sequence of subjects/courses/units that lead to the award of a
particular certificate of recognition.
The Council NyNP Governing Council
Trainee Is the same as “student”
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This document contains information regarding academic requirements of all the courses offered in
Nyandarua National Polytechnic. It is meant to guide decisions and practices geared towards
achieving acceptable academic standards.
The policy represents a core value of NyNP and all members of NyNP community are responsible
for abiding by its tenets. Lack of knowledge of this policy is not an acceptable defense to any charge
of academic dishonesty. All members of the academic community (trainees and staff) are expected
to report violations of these standards of academic conduct to the appropriate authorities.
As members of the academic community, trainees are expected to recognize and uphold standards of
intellectual and academic integrity. NyNP assumes, as a basic and minimum standard of conduct in
academic matters, that trainees be honest and that they submit for credit only the products of their
own efforts. It also requires that trainees refrain from any form of dishonorable or unethical conduct
related to their academic work.
In an effort to foster an environment of academic integrity and to prevent academic dishonesty,
students are expected to discuss with departments the expectations regarding course assignments and
standards of conduct. Students are encouraged to discuss freely with trainers, academic advisors, and
other members of NyNP community any questions pertaining to the provisions of this policy.
It is the responsibility of each trainer and trainee to understand and vigorously promote and enforce
this Academic Policy. This document will be widely distributed and prominently displayed as a
constant reminder of this policy. The consequences of not adhering to the policy are specified. An
appeal process is presented that protects both the due process rights of the accused and the academic
freedom of the instructor.
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This NyNP academic policy is based on the requirement of KNEC, CDACC, KASNEB and other
recognized examining bodies in terms of attendance, course work, attachment, and syllabus content
for the purpose of training. It is to be strictly adhered to by all trainees and staff of NyNP.
This Academic Policy applies to all programs offered by NyNP in any location. This statement is
current at the time of publication. Where changes occur, NyNP will endeavor to give trainees as
much advance notice as possible. Information on any changes may be obtained from the principal.
1.2.1 This policy adheres to the following national values and principles of governance as enshrined
in Article 10 of the Kenya constitution:
(a) Patriotism, national unity, sharing and devolution of power, the rule of law,
democracy and participation of the people;
(b) human dignity, equity, social justice, inclusiveness, equality, human rights, nondiscrimination and protection of the marginalized;
(c) good governance, integrity, transparency and accountability; and
(d) Sustainable development.
1.2.2 All trainees and other members of the NyNP community, have a right to study and work in an
environment that asserts the personal worth and dignity of each individual. Discrimination
against or harassment of any trainee or group of trainees, on the basis of race, ancestry,
place of origin, color, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed (religion), sex, sexual orientation,
age, record of offenses, marital status, family status, mental or physical disability, union or
non-union membership, political affiliation, and trainee/staff/departmental associations
defeats this objective and will not be tolerated by NyNP.
1.2.3 Where a trainee or a member of staff believes that a violation of these rights (in 1.2.1 and
1.2.2) has occurred, he/she is urged to seek advice from the Office of the Dean of Students
in case of a trainee and Deputy Principal (Administration) in case of a member of staff.
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NyNP offers a wide variety of career-oriented programs at the Artisan, Craft, Diploma and Higher
National Diploma level and any other courses as may be approved by the NyNP Governing Council.
The NyNP has within its mandate powers to grant other programs, including degrees, in
collaboration with recognized universities and institutions of higher learning.
2.1 The Academic Board shall comprise the following:
(i) Principal– The chairperson
(ii) Deputy Principal (Academic and Student Affairs) – The Secretary
(iii)Deputy Principals
(iv)Dean of Students
(v) Directors of institutes and Centers
(vi)Academic HODs
(vii) Librarian
(viii) Two members elected by the student organization of NyNP
2.2 The members under 2.1 (viii) shall, notwithstanding any other provision of this Policy, not be
entitled to attend deliberations of the Academic Board on matters which are considered by the
chairperson of the Academic Board to be confidential and which relate to examinations, the general
discipline of trainees and other related matters.
The Academic Board may, at its own discretion, invite the following persons to attend the meetings
of the Academic Board in an advisory capacity, provided that the persons so invited shall neither
acquire membership of the Board nor have voting rights:
(a) the Registrars
(b) the Finance Officer
(c) the Medical Officer
(d) the Procurement Officer
(e) Any other person as considered by the chairperson of the Academic Board
2.3 The Academic Board shall have the following powers and duties:
(a) To satisfy itself regarding the content and academic standard of any course of study in
respect of any diploma, certificate or other award of NyNP and to report its findings
thereon to the Council.
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(b) To propose regulations for consideration by the Council regarding the eligibility of
persons for admission to a course of study.
(c) To propose regulations for consideration by the Council regarding the standard of
proficiency to be gained in each examination for a diploma, craft certificate or other award
of NyNP.
(d) To decide which persons have attained the prescribed standard of proficiency and are
otherwise fit to be granted a diploma, certificate or other award of NyNP and to report its
decision thereon to the Council to approve programmes of study, regulate admission of
persons to NyNP and determine their continuance or discontinuation in such programmes.
(e) To propose regulations governing such other matters as are within its powers in
accordance with NyNP’s legal order.
(f) To approve programmes of study, regulate admission of persons to NyNP and determine
their continuance or discontinuation in such programmes.
(g) Prescribe conditions for qualifying for conferment of a diploma, certificate, awards of
various titles, distinction, and other awards offered by NyNP.
(h) To determine the academic policy of NyNP and to advise the Council on the provision of
facilities to carry out that policy.
(i) To direct and regulate the teaching and instruction within NyNP and the examinations
held by NyNP, subject to the powers of the Council herein before defined.
(j) To make recommendations to the Council for the diplomas and certificates to be conferred
by NyNP.
(k) To approve diplomas, certificates and other academic qualifications to be awarded by
NyNP in consultation with the Governing Council.
(l) To consider and approve the appointment of internal and external examiners.
3.1Minimum Requirements:
3.1.1 KNEC Courses
Diploma Courses- KCSE C-(MINUS) or equivalent as may be stated.
Certificate Courses- KCSE D PLAIN or equivalent as may be stated.
3.1.2 CBET Courses
Level 3 AND 4: KCPE and above or its equivalent.
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Level 5: KCSED PLAIN or its equivalent.
Level 6: KCSE C- (MINUS) or its equivalent.
3.1.3 KASNEB – Accounting Courses:
CPA- KCSE C+ mean grade with C+ in English and Mathematics
ATD – KCSE C- (MINUS) or its equivalent.
CAMS – KCSE D (plain) Mean Grade
3.1.4 Other Examinations: Minimum requirements as may be approved by other examining
3.1.5 All courses offered by NyNP must be approved by TVETA and registered with KNQA.
3.2 Admission Procedure:
3.2.1 Courses are advertised before their commencement by displaying information pertaining to
the course, requirements, duration and procedure for application.
3.2.2 Applicants shall pay a non-refundable fee which shall be stated on the advertisement.
3.2.3 Qualified applicants, both direct admissions and those placed by KUCCPS, shall be
shortlisted and selected by the respective HODs, at least two weeks before the date of
3.2.4 Admission letters shall be sent to selected candidates and those who fail to report within
two weeks after opening replaced with those from the waiting list.
3.2.5 A trainee who has been admitted to a particular course and would like to transfer to another
course is required to apply in writing to the principal within fourteen days from the date of
commencement of the course.
3.2.6 All trainees are enrolled on the strict understanding that their certificates are valid and
relevant for the course and that they will comply with rules and regulations issued by
NyNP and the examining body.
3.2.7 On admission the trainee is required to provide the following:
(i) A valid primary or secondary school certificate, or equivalent
(ii) Medical report certificate from an approved government medical institution.
(iii) Birth certificate
(iv) National identity card where applicable.
3.2.8 All continuing trainees are required to register with their respective HODs at the
commencement of each term.
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A trainee who may have been discontinued from learning for various reasons other than on
disciplinary grounds must apply in the normal manner by submitting an application for admission to
the principal through the respective HOD. Prior study at NyNP does not guarantee re-admission.
3.3.1 A trainee who is unable to continue with his/her studies may be allowed to defer studies
for a maximum period of one year. He/she will be required to do so by writing to the
NyNP Principal through the respective Head of Department.
3.3.2 The trainee shall be required to provide documented evidence for application of
deferment when he/she reports back to continue with his/her studies.
4.0 FEES
4.1 Tuition fee:
4.1.1 Tuition fee guidelines are approved by the Council, and fees are collected from trainees by
NyNP in conformity with the regulations issued by the MOE. A statement of NyNP fee
guidelines is included with offers of admission for new trainees, and with the registration
information for subsequent terms. Copies are available from the Finance Office. For parttime trainees, tuition and material fees shall be appropriately approved from time to time.
4.1.2 New trainees are required to pay the full amount of the respective fee to qualify for
4.1.3 Continuing trainees shall be readmitted upon payment of at least three quarters of the
respective fees and shall clear the balance at least two weeks before the start of the external
or internal examinations. The respective HODs shall ensure compliance with this
4.1.4 Respective HODs shall obtain information on the trainees fees balances from the finance
office after every two weeks and act accordingly.
4.1.5 Fees paid to NyNP cannot be refunded if the student had reported and attended some
4.1.6 Fees paid for a student to NyNP by another body cannot be refunded to the student, in cash
or otherwise, or transferred to other students, unless required to do so by the funding body.
4.2 Examination fees:
4.2.1 Examination fee shall be determined by the relevant examining body depending on the
courses and programs being undertaken. The amount levied shall be communicated to the
trainees by the EO at least four weeks before the deadline for examination registration.
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4.2.2 A trainee must clear the NyNP fees and other levies before being allowed to pay the
examination fee.
5.1 Attendance to Lessons is compulsory as time-tabled. A trainee absent from a lesson, without a
valid reason, shall be issued with a warning letter from the HOD.
5.2 Absence from lessons may only be allowed on the reason of serious medical cases or
unavoidable emergencies that can be confirmed beyond reasonable doubts.
5.3 Continuous absence from lessons for a period of two (2) weeks without a valid reason will
lead to automatic disqualification from the course.
5.4 A trainee who for any reason(s) is unable to attend lessons must seek official permission from
the subject trainer through the HOD.
5.5 It is an examination requirement that no trainee should be allowed to sit for any examination
in a subject if the attendance is less than 75% of the total hours allocated to the subject.
5.6 Lateness to class is not allowed. Subject trainers reserve the right of admission in such
5.7 Lessons shall always begin on the second day after opening.
5.8 Subject trainers shall issue Course Outlines to trainees at the commencement of each course.
5.9 Subject trainer shall attend all lessons in time and sign class monitoring forms. In the event
the subject trainer is unable to attend his/her lessons with valid reasons then he/she should
prepare for make up to cover for the lost time.
5.10 Supervision of the class attendance by the trainers in the teaching departments will be done
by the respective HODs.
5.11Departmental rules and regulations governing the use of library, workshops, laboratories and
other facilities shall be strictly adhered to.
5.12Use of mobile phones, laptops, tablets and other electronic devices is prohibited during
learning sessions unless allowed, as learning resources, by the subject trainer.
6.1 Internal Examination:
6.1.1 All examinations administered by NyNP are compulsory to all respective trainees.
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6.1.2 Trainees taking examinations shall be required to produce an examination card which
shall only be issued upon clearance of the full amount of fees. Invigilators are required
to ensure compliance with this provision.
6.1.3 Examination shall consist of assignments, CATs, projects, practicals and end of term
/stage examination.
6.1.4 Continuous assessment in every subject will be made up of at least 2 assignments and
2 CATs per term conducted by the subject trainer. These will carry a weight of 30% of
the term’s examinations. End of term exam will carry a weight of 70%.
6.1.5 Any trainee who fails to sit for internal exams (including CATs and assignments)
without a genuine reason shall be awarded CRNM; hence no course work marks shall
be submitted to the relevant external examination body.
6.1.6 For courses where final examination (end-of-course exam) is given by NyNP, any
trainee who fails to sit for assignments, CATs/Quizzes, or end term exams, without a
genuine reason, shall be awarded CRNM. He/she shall then be made to repeat and pay
afresh for the level/stage, after his/her case has been heard and determined by the NyNP
Academic Board and recommended to the NyNP ERTC. The NyNP ERTC may
continue or discontinue the student, with the approval of the NyNP GC.
6.1.7 Any trainee who fails to sit for an internal examination, with genuine reason, shall
communicate in writing to the respective HOD, at least a week before the examination,
unless on a genuine emergency. The HOD shall forward the request to the academic
board, through the Academic Board chairman, for consideration to sit for a special
6.1.8 A trainee who fails to attain the pass mark in more than 2/3 of the subjects offered will
be awarded an overall result “FAIL”. Such a trainee shall be allowed to repeat the
whole course, in the next available period, and pay for it. Repeating shall be allowed
only once, after which, if the trainee fails again, he/she will be expelled from NyNP.
6.1.9 End of term examinations are administered by the departments. A trainee who fails in a
subject examination will be required to take a supplementary examination upon
payment of a fee of not less than five hundred (500) Kenya shillings, per subject, as
may be revised from time to time. The examination shall be marked out of 100% and
the ceiling shall be 40%.
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6.1.10 A trainee who fails a supplementary exam or does not present himself/herself for the
examination shall be awarded the mark obtained in the end of term examination. Where
the trainee had not registered for external exam he/she shall not qualify to be registered.
In case of a stage examination the trainee shall not be allowed to proceed to the next
6.1.11 Progress reports are prepared by the subject trainers and confirmed by the respective
HODs. The reports include both continuous assessment and end of term exam marks.
6.1.12 At the end of each academic stage, end of stage examinations are administered by
the respective departments. Academic Transcripts are prepared and issued by NyNP
to trainees who sit and pass all the subjects offered at each stage. For modular or
other courses, the results slip/certificate will be issued by KNEC or the relevant
examining body.
6.1.13 All end of stage and end of term examinations shall be moderated under the
chairmanship of the respective HOD who shall constitute moderation panels.
6.1.14 Marking shall be done as per the marking schemes and marks entered in the MIS by
the subject trainer within the timelines provided.
6.1.15 All academic departments shall meet and declare their departmental marks as per the
termly schedules. Subject trainers shall present marked scripts for their subjects
during the declaration of marks.
6.1.16 Heads of Departments shall ensure that the declared marks are presented to the Academic
6.1.17 The Academic Board shall sit to discuss and declare the results of the end of term/end of
stage examination as per the term schedule.
6.1.18 The HOD shall ensure that the report forms are produced and available to the trainees at least
two weeks before the start of new term.
6.1.19 It will be the responsibility of every trainee to obtain his/her results from their respective
6.2 Grading
6.2.1 Grading and weight shall be as follows:
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  1. 80 – 100
  2. 75 – 79
  3. 67 – 74
  4. 55 – 66
  5. 49 – 54
  6. 40 – 48
  7. 30 – 39 REFERRAL
  8. 0 – 29 FAIL
    6.3 Supplementary examinations:
    6.3.1 All trainees are expected to attain at least 40% pass mark in each subject examination
    6.3.2 Trainees who fail to attain the minimum mandatory 40% mark in each subject
    examination offered at the end of each stage/term will be deemed “REFERRED” and
    will be expected to sit for supplementary examination papers before being allowed to
    proceed to the next stage/term. The maximum mark attained in a supplementary
    examination is 40%.
    6.3.3 The dates of supplementary examinations will be as per the termly schedules.
    6.3.4 Trainees who fail in supplementary exams or fail to sit for supplementary exams will
    repeat the whole stage and pay for it.
    6.4 Special Examinations:
    6.4.1 Special examination(s) shall be given to students who did not sit for ordinary
    examination(s) during the ordinary scheduled time due to:
    (a) Absence caused by sickness, or death of student’s immediate family member(s).
    (b) Absence while in performance of an official representation of NyNP as approved by
    the NyNP principal.
    (c) Any valid reason recommended by the subject trainer through the respective HOD
    and approved by the principal.
    6.4.2 A student shall be given special examination if he/she produces valid documents to the
    HOD for any of the reasons in 6.4.1.
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    6.4.3 A special examination will be marked out of 100% and graded as an ordinary scheduled
    examination as stipulated in 6.1.
    6.4.4 A student who fails to submit a valid reason to the HOD as to why he/she was absent
    during the normal examination time, hence seeking to be allowed to sit for a special
    examination, shall not be allowed to sit for the special examination.
    6.4.5 Special examinations shall be scheduled at the same time as the supplementary
    6.4.6 A trainee who fails a special examination shall be given a supplementary exam.
    6.4.7 A trainee who fails in a supplementary exam or fail to sit for supplementary exams will
    repeat the whole stage and pay for it.
    6.5 Examination documents
    The following documents will be issued:
    (i) Report Forms at the end of the term.
    (ii) Transcripts at the end of the stage
    (iii) Result slips at end of a module
    The registrar shall ensure that transcripts are prepared and issued at the end of each stage.
    6.6 External/National Examinations:
    6.6.1 All students taking National examinations shall be registered through the NyNP upon
    payment of examination fee in full.
    6.6.2 The collection and verification of the external examinations registration documents shall be
    the responsibility of the respective HOD.
    6.6.3 It is the trainee’s responsibility to avail the necessary documents for the processing of
    registration for external examinations as required by the respective examining body.
    6.6.4 It is the personal responsibility of every trainee to ensure that he /she is registered for the
    external examination and the correct examination fees is paid before the stipulated closing
    6.6.5 NyNP shall not be held responsible for late registration or failure to register for
    examinations. In addition, NyNP is not under any obligation to register former trainees
    who failed or were referred in external examinations.
    6.6.6 All trainees are expected to sit for external examinations as and when they become due.
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    The following conditions must be satisfied.
    (i) Attendance in class must be a minimum of 75% where applicable.
    (ii) A candidate must have passed all continuous assessment tests, end of term
    examinations and stage examination or lower level where applicable.
    (iii) A candidate must have passed the lower level to be allowed to register for a higher
    level unless otherwise provided by respective examination bodies.
    (iv) All institutional fees must be paid in full.
    6.6.7 The NyNP will support in enforcing all rules and regulations stipulated by respective
    examinations bodies. Candidates must follow supervisor’s/invigilators’ instructions.
    6.6.8 Any candidate who scores a FAIL in an external exam will be required to repeat the
    module again. However, during registration, the candidate will choose whether to be
    registered either as:
    i. REPEATER candidate and follow the procedure and guidelines stipulated
    by the external examination body, or
    ii. REGULAR candidate where he/she will be required to follow NyNP
    procedure of a student registered as REGULAR i.e. sit for internal exams
    and assessments.
    In either case in 6.6.8, the student shall pay for the course as may be determined by NyNP GC from
    time to time.
    6.6.9 Any candidate who scores a REFER in an external exam and wishes to attend normal
    lessons in NyNP for the preparation of the REFER examination shall pay a fee for the
    lessons as may be determined by NyNP GC from time to time.
    7.1 All examinations shall be conducted according to the national examination standards.
    7.2 Candidates shall be seated in the examination room at least 20 minutes before
    commencement of the examination.
    7.3 No candidate shall be allowed into the examination room 30 minutes after
    commencement of the exam.
    7.4 An examination attendance list shall be signed by all candidates when the examination is
    in progress.
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    7.5 Any candidate found cheating/assisting in cheating in internal examination shall have
    his/her results cancelled. Therefore, no coursework marks will be awarded for that term.
    7.6 Cheating in an examination includes but is not limited to the following:
    (i) Copying
    (ii) Use of unauthorized materials and gadgets in an examination room.
    (iii) Impersonation
    (iv) Falsification /forgery
    (v) Plagiarism
    7.7 For clause 7.6 (iii) the following steps shall be taken:
    (i) Where the impersonator is a current student, he shall be suspended from NyNP for
    a period of one year.
    (ii) Where the impersonator is not a bonafide student of NyNP he/she shall be handed
    over to the police.
    (iii) The affected candidate examination results shall be nullified and the trainee shall
    be expected to retake the entire examination when next examination is offered after
    the expiry of the candidate’s suspension.
    7.8 Trainee should ensure that they acquaint themselves with the rules and regulations issued
    by the relevant examination bodies.
    7.9 Unauthorized electronic gadgets such as mobile phones, laptops and tablets are not
    allowed in the examination room.
    8.1 Trainees are required to pay the requisite attachment fee in full at least one term before
    commencement of the attachment.
    8.2 Industrial Attachment is a requirement for those trainees taking TEP, CBET, NyNP and
    TVET Programmes.
    8.3 It is the responsibility of the trainee to find attachment places and to inform NyNP within two
    weeks, after placement, to facilitate assessment. The NyNP will however endeavor to
    establish contact between the trainees and the industry.
    8.4 Every trainee on industrial attachment is required to behave well and conduct him/herself in
    an ethical manner.
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    8.5 The trainee on industrial attachment should observe all rules and regulations of the institutions
    or firms they are attached to.
    8.6 Each trainee will be assessed at least once during the attachment and in the course of his/her
    8.7 Log books should be updated on daily basis.
    9.1 Nyandarua National Polytechnic shall have the privilege to award scholarships, bursaries,
    prizes and other awards in recognition of outstanding performances, motivation to staff and
    students and offer opportunities for training and research or other engagement
    9.2 To ensure transparency, effectiveness and consistency, the process of award shall be guided as
    set out in the NyNP Meritorious Scheme Policy.
    9.3 Nyandarua National Polytechnic shall apply the policy pertaining to recognition and awarding
    of outstanding performances of trainees and staff in various fields of NyNP’s activities.
    9.4 The performance target shall be measured through the overall performance of the individual,
    department, group or team, based on the analysis and set standards in the NyNP Meritorious
    Scheme Policy.
    10.1 Trainees who have passed the end of course exam shall be awarded certificates by NyNP and
    examining bodies upon clearance from NyNP.
    10.2 Certification shall be in the following categories:
    (i) Transcripts
    (ii) Leaving certificate
    (iii) Industrial attachment certificate
    (iv) Certificates from relevant examining bodies
    10.3 Internal transcripts and certificates shall be prepared by the respective HODs and presented to
    the registrar’s office for issuance to the trainees.
    10.4 Leaving certificates shall be prepared and issued by the office of the Dean of Students.
    10.5 Result slips and certificates from national examining bodies will be issued to the trainees by
    the office of the registrar.
    10.5.1 No certificate shall be issued to a trainee who has not cleared with NyNP.
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    10.5.2 Certificates shall only be issued to the trainee upon production of original national
    Identity Card.
    10.6 Certificates shall not be issued to third parties.
    10.7 Graduates shall be notified when the certificates are released by the respective examination
    bodies through the NyNP website.
    10.8 There shall be a storage fee of ksh.1, 000 per year charged for any certificate not collected 3
    years after release from the examination body.
    11.1 External Documents
    The person shall apply to the relevant body.
    11.2 Internal Document
    11.2.1 No other original certificate shall be issued to any person who was NyNP student in
    case the original certificate is lost or destroyed.
    11.2.2 The person whose certificate is lost or destroyed shall apply to the NyNP principal
    requesting for a copy of result grades of the lost/destroyed document.
    11.2.3 The result grades in 11.2.2 shall be given upon payment of one thousand (1000)
    shillings only.
    11.2.4 The person shall be allowed to collect the result grades in person from NyNP upon
    production of original national Identity Card and a police abstract for the lost
    11.1Conditions for Graduation
    A trainee is eligible to graduate from the program he/she is registered in when all the following
    criteria have been met:
    (i) All the requirements of the program, as prescribed by NyNP Academic Board have been
    completed in a satisfactory and timely manner.
    (ii) Clearance with NyNP.
    (iii) Payment of graduation convocation fee of one thousand shillings (Ksh1000).
    Nyandarua National Polytechnic ©2021
    First edition (under Nyandarua National Polytechnic) Page 21
    13.1 On admission each trainee shall be issued with a copy of the NyNP’s rules and
    regulations which he or she is expected to adhere to.
    13.2 Discipline of trainees on academic matters shall be the mandate of the NyNP
    Disciplinary Committee which shall be constituted by the Deputy Principal in charge of
    academic and student affairs as and when necessary. The findings and resolutions of the
    committee shall be implemented on consultation with the principal.
    13.3 For the general student’s conduct, staff and trainees are required to refer to the NyNP’s
    Academic Code of Conduct.
    14.0 CLEARANCE
    At the end of the course the trainee shall be required to clear with all departments by filling the
    prescribed clearance form, return the NyNP Identity Card and, where applicable, the room keys or
    boarding pass to the Dean of Students before claiming his/her caution money.
    This Academic Policy applies to all members of NyNP.
    This document may be reviewed from time to time to suit the current training needs.
  9. Accountants Act
  10. KNEC Act
  11. KNEC Examination Regulations 2006
  12. NyNP Academic Code of Conduct
  13. NyNP Meritorious Scheme Policy
  14. NyNP Quality Manual
  15. NITA Act
  16. NTSA Act
  17. TVET Ac